(Transcend Time Saga #1)
by Michelle Madow
Release date: July 27th, 2011
Published by: Dreamscape Publishing
Genre: Young Adult - Romance
Format read: eBook
Lizzie Davenport has been reincarnated from Regency Era, England...
but she doesn't know it yet.
Then Drew Carmichael transfers into Lizzie's high school at the beginning of the year, and she feels a connection to him. She can't stop thinking about him, but whenever she tries talking with him about the mysteries behind her feelings, he makes it clear that he wants nothing to do with her. Reaching him is even more difficult because she has a boyfriend, Jeremy, who has started to become full of himself after being elected co-captain of the varsity soccer tea, and her flirtatious best friend Chelsea starts dating Drew soon after his arrival.
So why can't she can't get him out of her mind?
Even though Lizzie knows she should let go of her fascination with Drew, fighting fate isn't going to be easy.
BOOK TRAILER - Remembrance by Michelle Madow
Remembrance is a wonderful intro to a wonderful, sweet and endearing series.
Michelle Madow's writing is refreshingly simple and good. And I really enjoyed all of the Pride and Prejudice references.
Liz is living the normal and happy teen life - she's doing very well in school, has a wonderful boyfriend who she has known since they were little, her best friend is the coolest girl ever and she's all ready to look toward the future. But, things seem a bit boring and predictable...
Until the new guy in school walks into her English class. Drew.
From the first second she lays her eyes on him, there's something there. A connection only described in books and movies. And Liz already knows, her life is about to turn upside down for this guy. And she knows its going to be worth it.
The characters were all genuinely likable and different. I really liked the chemistry that was going between everyone. And it was really exciting to see how things unfolded - how they pieced Liz and Drew's past lives. And the things they had to do to put it all right so they can be together.
My one glitch is that I would have loved to have seen more interaction between Liz and Drew. I would have liked to have been able to see why they were so in love with each other. A glimpse of how they courted would have made things even sweeter. But that's just me wanting more of their story, because overall, in the present day, you do get to feel the bond between them.
Those who love sweet romances,
Pride and Prejudice and prevailing love will enjoy Remembrance a lot.
Michelle Madow's writing is refreshingly simple and good. And I really enjoyed all of the Pride and Prejudice references.
Liz is living the normal and happy teen life - she's doing very well in school, has a wonderful boyfriend who she has known since they were little, her best friend is the coolest girl ever and she's all ready to look toward the future. But, things seem a bit boring and predictable...
Until the new guy in school walks into her English class. Drew.
From the first second she lays her eyes on him, there's something there. A connection only described in books and movies. And Liz already knows, her life is about to turn upside down for this guy. And she knows its going to be worth it.
The characters were all genuinely likable and different. I really liked the chemistry that was going between everyone. And it was really exciting to see how things unfolded - how they pieced Liz and Drew's past lives. And the things they had to do to put it all right so they can be together.
My one glitch is that I would have loved to have seen more interaction between Liz and Drew. I would have liked to have been able to see why they were so in love with each other. A glimpse of how they courted would have made things even sweeter. But that's just me wanting more of their story, because overall, in the present day, you do get to feel the bond between them.
Those who love sweet romances,
Pride and Prejudice and prevailing love will enjoy Remembrance a lot.
(Transcend Time #1.5)
by Michelle Madow
Release date: December 8th, 2011
Published by: Dreamscape Publishing
Genre: Young Adult - Romance
Format read: eBook
How far would you go to get revenge?
When Chelsea Givens discovered that her ex-boyfriend Drew dumped her to be with her former best friend, Lizzie, she'd never felt so betrayed in her life. Then her new friend Shannon tells her she can help set things right. Chelsea's willing to listen, but what Shannon wants her to believe - that she shared a past life with Drew - is impossible. And what she wants her to do to get him back... well, it's downright crazy.
Could Shannon be telling the truth? And if she is, what lengths will Chelsea go if it means making Lizzie pay?
Find out in Vengeance, the second part of the Transcend Time Saga.
(*Vengeance is the short story that bridges the events in Remembrance and the final novel in the saga, Timeless.)
Chelsea is definitely not a girl that you would like to have on your bad side...
Michelle Madow really wow'ed me with this short story -
I did not see the twist in this story coming!
Vengeance is a continuation of Remembrance, bridging the first and final novels in the Transcend Time Saga. It picks up immediately after Remembrance without a moment to spare and prepares us for what is to come in Timeless.
Chelsea is angry.
She's angry at her best friend, Liz for lying to her and stealing her boyfriend.
She's angry at Drew for dumping her.
She's an angry teen girl, and she wants revenge.
And, my oh my, she really does get it.
Definitely not one to skip over!

Michelle Madow really wow'ed me with this short story -
I did not see the twist in this story coming!
Vengeance is a continuation of Remembrance, bridging the first and final novels in the Transcend Time Saga. It picks up immediately after Remembrance without a moment to spare and prepares us for what is to come in Timeless.
Chelsea is angry.
She's angry at her best friend, Liz for lying to her and stealing her boyfriend.
She's angry at Drew for dumping her.
She's an angry teen girl, and she wants revenge.
And, my oh my, she really does get it.
Definitely not one to skip over!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Michelle Madow

Along with the Transcend Time Saga, Michelle Madow has written two other young adult novels, both which will be developed into series'.
Michelle Madow graduated from the Park School of Baltimore in 2005, where she always took two English classes each semester. She graduated from Rollins College in 2010, cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in English. At Rollins she was a memeber of the National Society of Collegiate Schollars, and a member of the International English Honor Society Sigma Tau Delta.
She received the Charles Hyde Pratt Award for Excellence in Creative Writing in 2010.
Michelle lives in Florida, where she is hard at work writing more novels for young adults.
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