"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.
This is where we get to 'spotlight' books that we are anxiously waiting to be released!!!
The ones that we are dying to get our hands on and read into the wee hours of the night!!!
And, quite possibly, to make our shelves look pretty too :)
What I'm currently waiting for...
by Gwenda Bond
Release date: May 1st, 2015
Published by Switch Press (Capstone)
Genre: Young Adult
Format: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Lois Lane is starting a new life in Metropolis.
An Army brat, Lois has lived all over - and seen all kinds of things. (Some of them defy explanation, like the near-disaster she witnessed in Kansas in the middle of one night.) But now her family is putting down roots in the big city, and Lois is determined to fit in. Stay quiet. Fly straight.
As soon as she steps into her new high school, though, she can see it won't be that easy.
A group known as the Warheads is making life miserable for another girl at school. They're messing with her mind, somehow, via the high-tech immersive video game they all play. Not cool.
Armed with her wit and her snazzy job as a reporter, Lois has her sights set on solving this mystery. But sometimes it's all a bit much. Thank goodness for her maybe-more-than-a friend, a guy she knows only by his screenname, SmallvilleGuy.
Why I'm waiting on LOIS LANE: FALLOUT...
Someone has FINALLY written a book about LOIS LANE!!!
Do I need to say more???
AND! Can "SmallvilleGuy" please be Clark Kent/Superman?!?!?
PUH-leeeeze, I beg... I hope he is!!!
Do I need to say more???
AND! Can "SmallvilleGuy" please be Clark Kent/Superman?!?!?
PUH-leeeeze, I beg... I hope he is!!!
What are you waiting for this week?!?!?!
This one really looks so fun! Love that it's from Lois Lane's POV. Can't wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteI am a HUGE Smallville fan and this book makes me very happy and excited to read it! OH! It's out in a few days, too! Awesome! Off to pre-order!
ReplyDeleteMichelle @ Michelle's Minions
My WoW
I have to admit this one does catch my attention. Not a big Smallville fan, but am not totally in the dark about it either. I may have to check this out.
ReplyDeleteWow, why is this first time I'm heading about this book. I love Superman... And now we have a different perspective. So awesome. Thanks I'm so adding this one to my good reads list.
ReplyDeleteMy WOW
-TopianGirl @TopianBooks