"To find out what a story's really about,' the Librarian said,

'you don't ask the writer. You ask the reader."

- SNOW & ROSE by Emily Winfield Martin

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Blog Tour (Guest Post, Review and Giveaway): FRAGILE REIGN (Mortal Enchantment #3) by Stacey O'Neale (YA)


Mortal Enchantment #3
by Stacey O'Neale
Release date: November 25th, 2014
Published by: Phoenix Reign Publishing
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Format: Paperback, eBook


It’s been a week since all hell broke loose…

Rumors of King Taron’s weakened powers have left the air court vulnerable. Kalin is desperate to awaken her akasha powers, except she doesn’t know how. Tension within the court is at an all-time high. Pressure is mounting for her to ascend to the throne, but a halfling has never ruled over any court. To solidify her position, the council has advised her to marry Sebastian—a high ranking air elemental she’s never met and her betrothed. 

Will Kalin sacrifice her relationship with Rowan to strengthen her court?

Rowan and Marcus return to a fire court in turmoil. Liana’s death has fueled the fire elementals’ distrust against the air and woodland courts. The unbalanced elements have set off natural disasters all over the mortal world. Rowan takes the throne to restore balance, promising to unite the fire court. But not all elementals are happy with his leadership. Many are secretly loyal to Valac, which means Rowan needs to find allies for his cause.

Can Rowan unify the court of fire before the elements destroy the world?



5 things we don't know about Rowan

1. Rowan was originally the lead in a different series. In that series, he was an archangel.

2. Rowan was the first character I ever created.

3. I only planned to have Rowan's POV in THE SHADOW PRINCE. But once I read readers response to him, I reworked the series. Half of FRAGILE REIGN and ETERNAL SACRIFICE are now told in his POV.

4. Rowan gets compared to Ash from the IRON FEY series a lot. I consider that a HUGE compliment because I am a big Julie Kagawa fan.

5. Rowan is fascinated with the mortal lifestyle. He's into rock music, loves pizza, prefers to wear mortal clothes, and has his eyebrow pierced. The fact that Kalin is half mortal is part of the reason he was initially attracted to her. If Prisma had been a good queen and he was never called back to Avalon, I doubt he would have ever returned. He would've given up immortality to stay in the mortal world.

Thanks for the great topic! 

If you haven't read Stacey's Mortal Enchantment series, 
you can get the first book for FREE on Amazon and Barnes &Noble!!! 
The Shadow Prince won GOLD at the 2014 Readers' Favorite Book Awards in the Short Story/Novella category!!!


FRAGILE REIGN picks up right where we left off...

Just when Kalin thinks that things are going to settle down and she will have time to take in everything that has happened and begins to accept what her immediate future may hold, things start to fall apart again. Kalin is needed now more than ever.
Rowan is out in the mortal world trying to control the chaos that Valac's followers are causing. Luckily for him, Marcus is right by his side, and they make a great team. However, things are far worse then he anticipated. His kingdom has no ruler. And he must decide how to claim it in a way that will stop the war and diminish Valac and Valac's followers.

Oh my, so many things happen in this book!

Kalin and Rowan are both struggling with what they have to do versus what they want to do. It is hard to choose between what is best for their kingdoms and what is best for themselves, their hearts. They have both been through so much and have matured so quickly. Their relationship is just starting to bloom, and yet, there are so many obstacles, will it really be worth the trouble?
And now, with Taron struggling regain his powers, he is heavily relying on Kalin to follow their false plans to buy her time to come into her true powers before becoming queen.
In the meantime, we get acquainted with much loved characters and are introduced to new ones - new faces that will have a huge impact on on Kalin's fate.
We also learn more about Avalon and the elemental's history - very intriguing. I'm sure if the author decided to right a book just on this I would definitely pick it up and enjoy it.

I don't want to divulge into any other details in fear of slipping a few spoilers...

I have to say, Stacey O'Neale really knows how to create characters that I love to hate; she gives her antagonists more depth than just being the enemy with an agenda. There's always more to them, with a deeper meaning - a reason for them to be the way that they are, like it's not their fault, they have to be this way and there's no other way around it. And these characters stick with me! I rarely give a second thought to the bad guys - hardly remember them. Of course I remember their name and their main purpose to the story. But not MORTAL ENCHANTMENT's characters - these make me want to reach into the book and put up a fight right along with the protagonists! They stay with me and completely stress me out... so annoying!

And just when I think that the author couldn't possibly come up with more, she does! And delivers it all beautifully. She has kept me in awe from the very beginning. With a very strong cast of characters, realistic world-building and incredible story development - I cannot wait to see how everything will unfold in the next book!

Those who love fantasy must add this series to their TBR now!

*A paperback copy was sent to me by the author for an honest review.
All thoughts are my own


(Bumbles and Fairy-Tales will not be held responsible for any lost, damaged, unclaimed, etc. prizes.)


Stacey O'Neale lives in Annapolis, Maryland. When she's not writing, she spends her time fangirling over books, blogging, watching fantasy television shows, cheering for the Baltimore Ravens, and hanging out with her husband and daughter.
Her career in publishing started as a blogger-turned-publicist for two successful small publishers. Stacey writes young adult paranormal romance and adult science fiction romance. Her books always include swoon-worthy heroes, snarky heroines, and lots of kissing.


Monday, November 24th - Book-Marks The Spot
Tuesday, November 25th - Release Day Launch!
Wednesday, November 26th - Lost in Ever After
Thursday, November 27th - Happy Thanksgiving! 
Friday, November 28th - A Backwards Story
Monday, December 1st - GenGen's Book Blog
Tuesday, December 2nd - In Between The Pages
Wednesday, December 3rd - The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club
Thursday, December 4th - The Caffeinated Booknerd
Friday, December 5th - Stuck In Books
Monday, December 8th - LuLo Fangirl
Tuesday, December 9th - Nocturnal Predators Reviews
Wednesday, December 10th - Bumbles and Fairy-Tales
Thursday, December 11th - One Guy's Guide to Good Reads
Friday, December 12th - Her Book Thoughts


  1. Thanks for being on the tour and for the awesome review! <3

  2. I really love vampires. I know they can be overdone, but I really love how many variations on their mythology there are. I love the way more humorous authors like Christopher Moore can make them completely different creatures than, say, Charlaine Harris. I also have a soft spot for werewolves. Basically, I'm a cliche!


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Thank you! and, as always, happy reading :)

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