"To find out what a story's really about,' the Librarian said,

'you don't ask the writer. You ask the reader."

- SNOW & ROSE by Emily Winfield Martin

Monday, May 7, 2012

Spring Blog Carnival: "The Cloud of Make Believe!"

Welcome to my "booth" at the Spring Blog Carnival!

"Cloud of Make Believe!"

The Spring Blog Carnival consists of a bunch of bloggers with a unique array of fun 'booths' that are hosting different challenges and giveaways! Our main hosts Lori of Pure Imagination, Angela of Reading Angel and Candace of Candace's Book Blog have worked very hard putting this together for everyone - thank you so much Lori, Angela and Candace :) 

Here is my booth! Look around and take a good close look at all the wing'ed characters fluttering about :) As most of you know I am in love with all things that have to do with fairy-tales and wing'ed creatures!
So, here is my challenge (question) for you:

Which wing-ed fairy-tale creature would you be and why???

Would you be a Fairy? Pixie? an Angel? The Tooth Fairy???
Something bee-ish ;)
Bee Fairy
Use your imagination! You can make up your own unique and speical one-of-a-kind wing'ed self too!!!

Leave your answers below in the comment section, please!!!

And as a prize, one winner will get to choose TWO books from The Book Depository (be sure to check that they deliver to you!)
The books either has to have a wing-ed main character in it or
the story must be a fairy-tale or fairy-tale retelling of some sort !!!

Be sure to leave your answer in the comment section before clicking here, thanks!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for stopping by!!!
Enjoy the rest of the carnival :)


  1. Something bee-ish haha, that cracked me up. I would be a pixie because they can be sweet but they can also be very mischievous. mwahahaha

  2. An angel (:
    My best friend unexpectedly passed away 3 and a half years ago and this way I'd get to see her again.

    Otherwise, I think a fairy.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I'd be a pixie...so small and adorable!

  4. A fairy hands down. Tinkerbell is my idol.

  5. I would want to be a fairy. I've always wondered what it would be like with wings. :)

  6. I want to be some kind of bird/person hybrid. Like a harpy but without the negetive connotation.


  7. For me it would definitely have to be a fairy. One connected with trees with leaves for wings. There's always been something magical for me about the thought of being a fairy :D

    ~Sam @ A Journey Through Pages

  8. Tinkerbell - Ever since I first saw Peter Pan, I have loved Tink :D

  9. I wanna be a fairy. They're sneaky and mischievous of course but I don't want to be that kind of fairy. I want to be Laurel from Wings :D

    Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  10. +JMJ+

    I'd prefer to fly without wings, but given these parameters, I'd love to compromise as a shapeshifter who turns into a hawk! =)

    Thanks for the giveaway. =)

  11. I'd want to be a Fallen angel. The perks of living forever and looking good would be immense x

  12. I'd want to be a cupcake fairy! I would fly around daintily and prettily handing out free cupcakes and spreading the joy!!!!!!

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  13. I'd love to be a pixie fairy... I love tinker bell n other Pixie fairies they are cute n sweet little creatures...

  14. I'd be an angel so I could fly everywhere and at any hight. :D

  15. A shapeshifter that can transform into some kind of bird, maybe a falcon or a raven!

  16. i would want to be a fairy. I wouldn't mind being a bit mischievous, but i wouldn't want to be one of the evil ones. one more like tinkerbell, with fairy dust and being sweet and helpful : )

  17. I want to be an angel! I'm really nefarious so I guess being an angel would help me change. :D

  18. Honestly I'd want to be an angel or a fairy. I can't pick between the two!

  19. Some kind of fairy for me.
    love the post:)

  20. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    I'd love to be an angel, but an angel with a bit of an edge, kind of like a Goth angel, who takes care of people who've lost hope. Except I'd double as a human, befriend them and help them through like that.

  21. Thanks for the giveaway! I would want to be a fairy. They have awesome wings & cute little outfits - plus they're fun!

  22. Dragon for me, please! >:D

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. An angel. With black wings :D

  24. Easy...a dragon :D love love love <3

  25. I'm not sure... either a fairy or Dragon but I can't choose one between the two.

  26. I would be one of the good fairies in Sleeping Beauty because it's my favorite fairy tale and also because they protect Sleeping Beauty.

  27. I like Pixies! Jenks from the Rachel Morgan series and Galen from the Merry Gentry series are amazingly awesome!

  28. Tinkerbell ! I just love Peter Pan ! :D

  29. I'd be a dragon, for sure. But able to take human form, of course...

  30. Usagi, you could be one of the Draki from Firelight!


    Okay, so I'd be a fairy, but I'd be the fairy of CHOCOLATE. Because Chocolate is amazing! Way fun booth! Thanks!

  31. A fairy with butterfly wings! :)

  32. A shapeshifter that can turn into a raven of course! :). Aways thought they were cool and scary.

  33. I would totally be a butterfly fairy! Have you SEEN Barbie Mariposa?? (*blush* I have) Those things are BEAUTIFUL!!!

  34. I would like to be a butterfly that can turn to a mermaid in the sea. A Sea Butterfly. That's what I want to be!



  35. I would want to be a pixie because they are tiny, adorable and just a tad mischievous.

  36. I would be a pegasus, because I never got over my childhood obsession with horses.

    Plus, I could freaking fly! WINGED!

  37. A phoenix! I think it's amazing to be reborn form my ashes. Life made out of death, a wonderful circle :)

    But it would be best if you could be a shapeshifter! So, if you are old and it's time to pass away, you just shape shift into a phoenix and tadaaaa. Baby again :p

  38. I would be a Pegasus, because I love horses!

  39. Hmm...wing'ed creature...I'm gonna have to go with Pegasus, I do believe. Because they're gorgeous. And kinda mysterious. And very much underappreciated. And did I mention gorgeous?

    Of course, maybe it'd be more fun to be a Fairy Queen with gossamer wings and her very own personal Pegasus to ride -- oooh, I like that! That's my answer! :o)

    Fun giveaway :o)

  40. I would have to say a fairy, because they are beautiful and have magic!!! Also they can fly!!!!


  41. I've had a slight fairy obsession since middle school, so that's what I'd have to choose! Plus, they're awesome. :)

  42. I have always loved fairies. The winged sort not the evil type. They just strike me as beautiful in a natural way. But I guess realistically I would have to be the type of fairy that could magically hide their wings. Sort of tuck them away in a different dimension so I could function. How could you enjoy a passionate embrace if your guy could keep you grounded by one accidental misplacement of his hands?

  43. I'd definitely want to be an angel just because I think they're so cool. Most of them are super gorgeous and sparkly, and I like sparkles! :D

  44. I'd be a dragon. Nothing better than breathing fire as a weapon!

  45. That is a tough one it's a tie between angel and fairy! I guess I would have to be Angel.

  46. I would be a dragon because they are SO badass!

  47. I Would Love To Be A Fairy They Are Such Sweet Creatures Like Me.

  48. I would be a fairy, because I love glitter and sparkles =D

  49. I would like to be a dragon! cause dragons totally rocks! Maybe this one like Daenerys dragons in Song of Ice and Fire...

    (Alinka V.)

  50. While I would love to be a fairy cause they are just so darn cute, I would have to pick Angel. An Angel is soothing and brings peace to those around them.


  51. Fairy. No contest. I've loved them ever since I was little.

  52. Yep, me too. Farie ;) that's what I would be!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  53. I'd be a bat faerie! :D

    bethwade1 at gmail dot com

  54. I'd most likely an angel :) or a dark angel cause thats more interesting.


  55. What a fun contest!
    I would probably be a fairy. The kind that can live as a normal human most of the time.
    (not an entry)

  56. I'm the fey's sort of cousin, who isn't wing'ed: I'm an elf! It's undisputed. I even have pointy ears!
    ...If I had to choose something winged, I would say...penguin! They're so cute, they've GOT to be magical!

  57. I'd be a phoenix! They're probably my favorite mythical creature... So powerful and loyal.

  58. I'd want to be a Pixie because they're so tiny and cute!

  59. I think I would be a pixie, just because they seem so pesky and fun.

  60. I'm always changing my mind about this one! I think it would be kind of cool to be a pixie. A tiny little thing that flutters around in a gorgeous garden. Of course it would be a ginormous garden/city full of others like me.
    Awesome challenge! Thanks so much for participating in the Spring Blog Carnival!
    candace_redinger at yahoo dot com

  61. A fairy! Tinkerbell is my idol! lol:)

  62. A fairy. Like Puck or Ash from The Iron King.

  63. A fairy of course!! When I was little I always thought it would be cool to be a fairy.

  64. Okay, I'm going a little larger than some, but I would have to say a unicorn. I just think they are beautiful.

  65. I think I'll go for ANGEL.. but not the ordinary one. I like to see myself as a warrior angel, you know those angels who wore plate armors all over their body and I like that angel to be a specialist in handling two swords.(inspired by the daughter of smoke and bone) :DD

    here's my email: samaine(underscore)18(at)yahoo(dot)com

  66. I'd like to be an angel with large, gorgeous feathery wings that slowly change from pure white to the color of sunset as you move from left to right.

  67. I think I'd like to be a faerie. Mostly because they have a mischievous side to them and I can definitely relate ;]


  68. A fairy because it's pixie-like but has a magic wand!
    sena.sagani at gmail dot com

  69. I could be a fairy, Books Fairy. As a Book Fairy i can spread and read all the books in the world, no matter what the book's language. I also can giving away the books to all people who doesn't have a chance to get their own book :)
    And my name would be KriszLiz, The Bookk Faery ^^

    Thank you for the giveaway ^^

  70. I'm not very original...I would definitely be a fairy! :)

  71. A fairygodmother!

    Malvina Beatrice

  72. I would like to be an angel. I wanted to fly but at least I'm a normal size of a person. Kidding. But I love the idea of watching over others, over my loved ones... Thanks!


  73. A fairy! Like in Wings or The Iron Fey. Would be so cool. :)

  74. Fairy. They have powers, are young and gorgeous.
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  75. I would be a fairy because they have cool powers, live for a long time, and have wings! Thanks!

  76. Just for the sake of being different I would be...a gargoyle! (Those count as a fairytale creature, right?) I would get to hang out all day looking menacing. I would just people watch and scare off pigeons for fun :)

  77. I would love to be a black winged angel. I want to fly and I think that being a black-winged angel rocks, fallen angel feeling.


  78. Having playing and practically 'dwelling' in a world of fantasy offered by books and RPG games ever since I was little, I come to a decision that I want to be... a wood sprite. A group of tiny beings who live in the deepest part of the wood. In between leaves, and near to crystal-like water and beautiful stream with rainbow,,, and then we will light up the night with our glowing wings and browse through the woods... it would be so fun! I always wanted to live in a trunk anyway!


  79. I would be a draki like Jacinda from Firelight! That's one of my favorite stories and series!

  80. I'd be an angel! Angels are always the best in books. Flying and huge soft wings and special powers... That'd be pretty sweet :D

  81. I would be definitely a fairy! I'd like to have wings like a butterfly, I think I would like to look like this: http://goo.gl/egrTm

    Thank you for the giveaway!

    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  82. I'd love to be like an angel but instead of angel wings I'd love to get some eagle wings, more cool! :P

  83. I'd like to be a dragon. Noone would mess with me! :)


  84. It would be nice to be a grim reaper. It seems like an interesting job. Examples are Tod from Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent and Croak by Gina Damico.

  85. I would be a fairy. Why? Because I'm fricking obsessed. ;)

  86. I think I'd be either a Phoenix or a Dragon. I love both, and I think Phoenix's especially get too little attention. Lots of great wing-ed paranormals to choose from though, it's a hard decision!

  87. Dragons are awesome - especially if they're shifters and can be human part of the time.

    But I'd love to be Tinkerbell. She's pretty, cheeky and manages to get in and out of a lot of trouble. :P

    Thanks :)
    - Kate


  88. I'd be a butterfly. I know that's more of an insect rather than a winged creature, but that's what I'd want to be. =) Thanks for the giveaway!

  89. I'd be a dragon, no doubt about it! I absolutely LOVE them and if they were real, I'd be riding off into the sunset right now trying to find me one to befriend. They are beautiful and fierce, what's not to love?

  90. I love angels, so I'd like to be one, but I'd probably be a fallen angel:)

  91. I would be fairy, because you never know what they will do and they have such interesting worlds. Just think about the ones from The Wicked Lovely series.

  92. I would be a dragon! Their awesome! Who wouldn't want to breathe fire! :D

  93. I would be a half-human/fairy such as in Wondrous Strange. That way I can have the best of both worlds with magic and the ability to fly, of course. :)

  94. don't know..... maybe tinkerbell. As long have ability to fly, i will like it :)

  95. I'm thinking dragon- more of an Asian one than a Western one though. Wise, long lived, rich, magical, and not as likely to get killed by a knight.

  96. a water fairy would be cool. i love water and fairies are small - just perfect ^^

  97. Would love to be a dragon. They are just awesome! No one would ever mess with me ;)

  98. I had an incredibly realistic dream once in which I was flying - it felt so real! When I woke up I cried because I couldn't actually fly - so I'd be anything that would let me feel that way again! Barring that, I'd be a fairy because I'd love to be ethereal and graceful (and magical!)

  99. I love faeries! I am a Winter Faerie after all! haha. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  100. I want to be a storm faery. I just made it up. I'm not sure exactly what I do, but I could make any kind of storm based on my mood. It could rain candy if I wanted it to. And I want a rainbow wand so I can make rainbows whenever I feel happy. And strong lungs so I can blow clouds around.
    Hope that passes the test. I have a faery thing going on over at my blog.
    come see what you faery name is!


  101. I'll be an angel. Silver wings with blue streaks on the far end.

  102. I would want to be a fairy w/ all elemental powers...
    Thanks for the giveaway

  103. I'd love to be a little pixie or something. It would be so cool to be able to fly!

  104. I'd want to be an angel. Their wings are so beautiful and powerful.

  105. I'm definitely going with some type of fairy. I tend to go with the Midsummer Night's Dream type of fairy. I would love to flit about and be mischievous!

  106. I would love to be all the above - but mostly a water sprite, I love water so much, living near, swimming in it, hydrotherapy

  107. Can I just switch back and forth between fairy (good fairy!) and angel (good angel)? I could be a Fairy Angel, I suppose or an Angel Fairy with some cool bumblebee colors thrown in, definitely wings and a halo. Very funkily dressed. Maybe wearing the dress on the cover of Bewitching? Yeah, so I am picturing this in my head and it could go either way. Truly horrifying or absolutely, shockingly lovely. Eh? I will stick with lovely! Thanks for the giveaway!

  108. I would be a tricky fairy....not small and beautiful, but somewhay creepy

  109. An angel, but one that spends time on earth. Huge wings & a great singing voice :-) I'd definitely be an earthly angel though...

    isabelli3619 (at) aol (dot) com

  110. I would be a fairy of fire. It sounds funny xD

    My email: amanda_ns69@hotmail.com

  111. I would be a pixie, they just seem to have so much fun :)

    sarie101 at webmail dot co dot za

  112. i would like to be one of the small kind of dragon( size of a cat with buterfly wings) in the dragon of Pern series, the one more spychic that love music and love ^^ i found them cute and poetic

    thanks you a lot for this giveaway

    all the best


  113. I would love to be an angel because I have always liked angels & their beautiful wings, but I don't know how angelic I'd be :)


  114. i'd have bird's wings, like angels have. but my wings woudln't be quite white, but of pearlesent shades, that would reflect the monlight, for the creature i describe habits the night in the search of souls that have lost its path.

  115. I'd want to be a fairy. My friend and I are always saying fairy dust makes everything better and we always have these random conversations about fairies. I think she'd be quite ecstatic if I was a fairy. xD

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    visabellad (at) gmail.com

  116. A sparrow. Nice a simple, no frills..just a cute sparrow who steals food and hopefully doesn't get caught in an airplane.

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  117. Well duh... I'd be an angel ;) Haha, no, probably not. Maybe some kind of bird? I could be like a pigeon! A little bit of a departure from the angel idea. Thanks for the giveaway!


  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. Oh my gosh I so want to be a SILVER DRAGON!!! Because I have always loved dragons, especially the one from Harry Potter :D

  120. i would be a ho hoo / the Japanese phoenix and the inspiration of ho oh the rainbow pokemon/ a legendary of the johto region


  121. I would probably choose to be something more like an angel than a fairy. Flying would be cool and all, but I wouldn't want to run around naked. Trying to dress around delicate wings would be a pain, and angel wings seem to be a lot sturdier. (Yes, when I fantasize, I think about wing strength.) However, to make it more fantasy-like, I'd want my wings to change colors to match my mood. :-)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  122. Angel simply because they have soft feathery wings and can fly. I'll never stop ruffling my wings. It'll be so soft!

  123. I read "something bee-ish," and immediately thought of the Jerry Sinfeld's Bee Movie. But I think I'll go with a Hippogriff, helping people escape the dangers of he who must not be named. Plus, I would have my own ride at Universal Studios.

    candicerjames [at] gmail [dot] com

  124. I would love to be an Angel. First, their wings are huge and feathery. Secondly, they get to hang out in the clouds all day. And lastly, because I'd love to be part of the Heavenly choir.

  125. I would definitely be a angel with butterfly wings and fairy shoes!

  126. I'd love to be a fairy. I think I'd be like Tinkerbell, all hot-tempered and mischeivious!

  127. I think I would love to be a angel! So I could have these long, gorgeous wings and be able to fly. I think it's mostly the wings that appeal to me. I wouldn't like having the dainty wings of a fairy. I want the strong, powerful, yet beautiful wings of an angel :)

  128. I'd want to be a fairy, for the freedom and the prettyness :)

  129. a frog fairy or frog angel definitely! ;)


  130. I'd be a pixie:) Thanks for the giveaway!


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Thank you! and, as always, happy reading :)

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