Good afternoon!
I am really happy to be a part of Sourcebooks blog tour today for Laurie Boyle Cromptons' soon to be release, The Real Prom Queens of Westfield High!
Today Ms. Crompton and I are sharing our 'reality television guilty pleasure'...
I am really happy to be a part of Sourcebooks blog tour today for Laurie Boyle Cromptons' soon to be release, The Real Prom Queens of Westfield High!
Today Ms. Crompton and I are sharing our 'reality television guilty pleasure'...
by Laurie Boyle Crompton
Expected release date: February 4th, 2014
Published by: Sourcebooks Fire
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary
Format read: eARC
Shannon has never lived down her very public, most embarrassing moment, so it is no shock when she is voted least likely to be prom queen at Westfield High. That is, until she’s selected to co-star in a hidden-camera reality show, The Prom Queen Wannabees, and undergoes a complete makeover, sponsored by Nőrealique Cosmetics. Shannon must battle to be elected Prom Queen and snag the One! Million! Dollar! prize.
After a dramatic make-over, Shannon and two other Wannabes enter senior year: now the social hierarchy of the entire class is about to be turned upside down. Shannon’s helpful new Life Coach declares her BFF a “popularity liability” and orders her to cease flirting with the class science geek in favor of the beefcake quarterback (his muscles would make the perfect prom accessory!).
Meanwhile, the former front-runners for Prom Queen start having serious bad luck. But when Shannon uncovers proof that the beauty business can be awfully ugly, she must find a way to show her BFF and one true crush that underneath that fabulous makeover, she really hasn’t changed. The battle is on, the French-manicured claws are out, and the live! finale on Prom Night promises to shock everyone’s corsages off.
Here's what Ms. Crompton's has to share with us...
My reality TV guilty pleasure would have to be America’s Next Top Model. I’ve seen nearly every episode of all twenty cycles and I’m afraid to figure out how many viewing hours that adds up to (plus, yanno… math). But I can tell you it’s a significant portion of my life that I can never reclaim. My family will sometimes watch the singing competition shows together and that’s all very fun and social, but I watch ANTM alone and in the dark. If anyone walks in while it’s on, I shield my face and call out, “Don’t look at me.” At least when I was writing THE REAL PROM QUEENS I could tell people, “It’s research! Stop judging me.” But now that the book is finished I really have no excuse.
In THE REAL PROM QUEENS the main character, Shannon, gets caught on camera taking a big spill off of a runway and I can think of so many contestants over the various cycles of ANTM who’ve had similar embarrassing mishaps. There have been stiletto twists that resulted in sprained ankles and numerous cases of dehydration and panic attacks requiring hospitalization. One recent makeover episode actually resulted in a girl getting her face burned by a curling iron. Fear Factor has nothing on these ladies!
I think the show that Shannon ends up on, THE PROM QUEEN WANNABES, would actually be a lot of fun to watch. Prom Queen Camp is just the beginning of the reality TV spectacle that would definitely qualify as guilty pleasure viewing if it existed!
My confession...
I always tell people that I don't watch much tv, let alone, have the time to watch any of this reality tv nonsense... however, I must come clean! I am a closet REAL HOUSEWIVES fanatic!!! I am! {sobs!}
I cannot get enough of these egotistical snobs! They are so comical to me! And the majority have absolutely no clue at all as to what reality truly is. Sometimes I feel bad for them... I do... sometimes!
My favorites are those local to me, Housewives of New Jersey and NYC... I watch them whenever I can get a chance to!
Now if only they can cast a Real Housewives of Long Island, lol! or maybe now, I'd probably turn into a stalker! Eeep!
But if you ask me in public anything about this, or anything related to this, I will deny it all! I will!
{Runs aways and hides in closet!}
*Thank you so very much Ms. Crompton for stopping by and sharing your 'guilty reality tv pleasure' with us today!
And a big thank you to Sourcebooks for making it happen!
You can read my review of The Real Prom Queens of Westfield High right here!!!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Laurie Boyle Crompton

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