"To find out what a story's really about,' the Librarian said,

'you don't ask the writer. You ask the reader."

- SNOW & ROSE by Emily Winfield Martin

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pushing The Limits Read-a-Long Week #2 Q & A

I'm doing the Pushing the Limits Read-a-Long
And you can find more deets about the read-a-long right HERE!

This week's questions is being hosted by The Page Turners!!!
(Questions Week 2 Pages  85 – 162)

1. Noah and Echo create a plan to read their files. What do you think of this plan? Would you read your friends file first knowing you might not have time to read your own? Would you want to read your own file?
Oh my, as soon as I read what they were planning I started to cringe - Noah has so much to lose! It is such a bad idea for him, I wouldn't be able to handle him jeopardizing his time and future with his brothers... 
I like to believe that I would read my friends file first. As curious as I would be to read my own, I am a huge procrastinator and would not be able to just dive into mine. Plus, aren't we always more 'curiouser' to know more about others? lol

2. Mrs. Collins starts to earn Noah's trust by taking him to see his brother win a writing contest. What do you think of how she's handling Noah? How would you feel if you were in Noah's position, hearing that your brother sees you as his hero?
First, I have to say, this scene broke my heart! How sweet was his little brothers story?!
I think Mrs. Collins really knows what she's doing. Everyone can see that Noah will do anything when it comes to his brothers. I just hope that she doesn't use them against him. 
To have anyone look up to you, admire you, in anyway - especially to let them know that they are your hero -  is so heartwarming, it is the most sincerest way to let someone know how much you care and love them. 

3. Echo is starting to draw and paint again. She's starting to express the feelings and what she's seeing as she's starting to remember what happened that day. Art therapy seems to be a popular way for people to deal with their feelings, why do you think Echo's dad didn't want her to continue with art since it was such a big part of her and is part of so many people's therapy in dealing with similar issues? 
In one way, I feel that he is afraid that Echo might regress if she continues to do something that was so closely related to her mother. He probably doesn't want the constant reminder since Echo's mother mostly painted when she was off her meds... also, he may fear that if it triggers more memories, that Echo may 'lose her mind' again. And even though he seems controlling and standoffish, I truly think that he is trying to protect her in the best way that he can. 

4. We see how crazy Beth's home life is and we start to understand why she is not as keen to be trusting with people in her life. At the same time, we get to see how fiercely loyal Noah is. What do you think of the way Noah reacted to Beth being beaten by her mother's boyfriend? Do you think it's showing bad behavior that could get Noah in more trouble or the act of a true friend? 
Noah's reaction was definitely a 'big bro protecting his little sister' moment. In a situation like this, most people would want to give the bad person a taste of their own medicine - can/could you blame him? Yes, it would have probably gotten him into more trouble, and his bravado for going after a guy triple his size is scary to think - but when what little he has is being threaten, it's only human nature to step up and protect it to the max!

5. Echo has an unusual name. What do you think of the story behind it? Is there a Greek Myth or other story that would inspire you to name a child after a character? 
As unusual as it is, I love Echo's and Aire's names! It was really interesting finding out how their mother chose them too. I was never bold enough to go as unique, but I love my kiddos names and wouldn't change them for anything :) 

6. Echo's big think is trying to find "normal" again. She doesn't want to be the scared girl or the girl who can't remember what happened to her, she just wants to be normal. This goal impacts her relationships with her family, friends, Noah and her ex, Luke. But at the end of this section, Echo is starting to figure out that there's no going back to normal and she's going to have to find a new normal. How big of a step is it for Echo when she realizes she's not "in" love with Luke and figures out that she does need to find a new normal? 
I think that Echo kind of knew all along that she wasn't "in" with Luke anymore. She was just trying to reach for her old life again and that was the easiest way of trying to go for it. As soon as she realized that no matter what she did that things would never be the same, things changed for her. Needing to move on, grow and figure out what she wants to do - that is huge. And I can't wait to find out what happens next. 

I'm actually almost done reading! 
I have emotionally invested myself in this book - 
Noah has taken a hold of my heart! And, have I mentioned how much I love his name!!!
I should be done tonight :) 

Hope everyone else is enjoying it too! 

1 comment:

  1. The scene with Noah and his brother broke my heart and I was crying like crazy. It was o emotional and touching, told so much about Noah , but also Mrs Collins!

    And I agree with you on Echo, she knew she wasn't in love with Luke anymore but desperately wanted to please her friends ;((

    Thank you so much for participating!!


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