by Veronica Bartles
Release date:
Published by: Swoon Romance
Genre: Young Adult - Contemporary
Format: eBook
Sixteen-year-old Andi is tired of being a second-class sibling to perfect sister Laina. The only thing Andi’s sure she has going for her is her awesome hair. And even that is eclipsed by Laina's perfect everything else.
When Andi’s crush asks her to fix him up with Laina, Andi decides enough is enough, and devises a twelve-step program to wrangle the spotlight away from Laina and get the guy.
Step 1: Admit she’s powerless to change her perfect sister, and accept that her life really, really sucks.
Step 4: Make a list of her good qualities. She MUST have more than just great hair, right?
Step 7: Demand attention for more than just the way she screws things up.
When a stolen kiss from her crush ends in disaster, Andi realizes that her twelve-step program isn’t working. Her prince isn’t as charming as she'd hoped, and the spotlight she’s been trying to steal isn’t the one she wants.
As Laina’s flawless façade begins to crumble, the sisters work together to find a spotlight big enough for both to shine.
When Andi’s crush asks her to fix him up with Laina, Andi decides enough is enough, and devises a twelve-step program to wrangle the spotlight away from Laina and get the guy.
Step 1: Admit she’s powerless to change her perfect sister, and accept that her life really, really sucks.
Step 4: Make a list of her good qualities. She MUST have more than just great hair, right?
Step 7: Demand attention for more than just the way she screws things up.
When a stolen kiss from her crush ends in disaster, Andi realizes that her twelve-step program isn’t working. Her prince isn’t as charming as she'd hoped, and the spotlight she’s been trying to steal isn’t the one she wants.
As Laina’s flawless façade begins to crumble, the sisters work together to find a spotlight big enough for both to shine.
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12 Questions with Laina Andersen
1. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you?
I guess I'd want enough food and water to keep me alive. And my journal and purple sparkly pen. (Does that technically count as four things?)
2. Describe your perfect day.
I wake up in the morning, without even needing an alarm clock, and there's a thick fog covering everything, making the whole world beautiful. Jarod and I go for a long walk, and just talk about everything and nothing at all. Then, when the sun comes up and burns the fog away, I come back home and curl up in my reading chair with a great book and a fuzzy blanket and no distractions for the rest of the day.
3. What is your biggest fear?
I worry that no matter how hard I try, I'll never be good enough. I wish I could be more like Andi, breezing through life without a single care in the world. Everything comes so easy for her. She never has to work for anything, whereas I am always one step away from total failure.
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
5. If you could fly or be invisible, which one would you choose and why?
I'd be invisible. Sometimes, I wish I could just melt away into nothingness. I guess that's what I love about the fog.
6. Who is you hero?
Honestly? I'd have to say my little sister, Andi. She's so smart and beautiful, and everything I could never hope to be. But don't tell her I said that. She kind of has an over-inflated ego, and I'd hate to make it worse.
7. Favorite movie?
27 Dresses - The sisters in that movie are just like me and Andi. But I'm not quite as compulsive as the older sister in the movie.
8. Favorite song?
That song Andi sings in Cinderella, where the stepsisters complain about the beautiful girl who steals the prince's heart. I understand exactly how they feel. Every guy I know thinks Andi is gorgeous. I think even Jarod has a secret crush on her.
9. Favorite book?
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll - Although, I guess that's technically two books, isn't it?
10. Favorite food?
Smoked salmon with steamed asparagus.
11. Favorite drink?
12. Favorite cartoon character?
That's a tough one. I'm not really into cartoons. Can I just choose Alice, from the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland?
ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Veronica Bartles

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