"To find out what a story's really about,' the Librarian said,

'you don't ask the writer. You ask the reader."

- SNOW & ROSE by Emily Winfield Martin

Monday, August 31, 2015

Blog Tour (Review and Giveaway): A WHOLE NEW WORLD (A Twisted Tale #1) by Liz Braswell (YA)

by Liz Braswell
Release date: September 1st, 2015
Published by Disney Press
Genre: Young Adult Retelling (Aladdin)
Format: Hardcover, eBook
Format read: ARC from the publisher. 


What if Aladdin had never found the lamp? This first book in the A Twisted Tale line will explore a dark and daring version of Disney's Aladdin.

When Jafar steals the Genie's lamp, he uses his first two wishes to become sultan and the most powerful sorcerer in the world. Agrabah lives in fear, waiting for his third and final wish.To stop the power-mad ruler, Aladdin and the deposed princess Jasmine must unite the people of Agrabah in rebellion. But soon their fight for freedom threatens to tear the kingdom apart in a costly civil war.

What happens next? A Street Rat becomes a leader. A princess becomes a revolutionary. And readers will never look at the story of Aladdin in the same way again.

A Whole New World (ARC) by Liz Braswell


A magical novelization of one of Disney's most loved movies, Aladdin! Full of what we love and expect from Disney - characters we love, surprising twists and giving us exactly what we want...

As, I believe, that the majority of us has seen the movie, Aladdin, I am not going to go into a detailed summary of the book. The first part of the story reads just like the movie - I got reaquainted with Aladdin and Princess Jasmine. But once the twist of the story happens, it's all new territory. Cryptic, grim and unsuspecting. We get to see a different side to Aladdin, which I truly enjoyed.

Jafar is seriously dark and twisted, just like all of Disney's villains, this guy has some serious issues. He is such an intricate character. I'm really glad to have been able to see more of him, and get a better feel as to why Jafar is such a terrible person... if you didn't like him before, you'll despise him even more after what he does in this book.

As I have come to know and love, Disney's movies and books are heavy on visualization and world-building, I found the details amazing and capturing. But if I had just one wish, it would be that they would have given the secondary characters more depth. There were a few new characters, and a few cameos - I would have liked a few more pages with each and every one of them...

A Whole New World is exactly what I expected, and enjoyed it so much!... However, I do feel that the book reads for a younger audience. Even with its darker notes, it's not intimidating or frightening. 

A definite quick and enjoyable read for all Disney lovers! The ending is perfection!
You will not be disappointed!

*An ARC was sent to me from the publisher for an honest review.
All thoughts are my own.


- FIVE winners will receive a FINISHED copy of A WHOLE NEW WORLD!!!
- U.S. only.


After the sort of introverted childhood you would expect from a writer, Liz earned a degree in Egyptology at Brown University and then promptly spent the next ten years producing video games. Finally she caved into fate and wrote Snow and Rx under the name Tracy Lynn, followed by The Nine Lives of Chloe King series under her real name, because by then the assassins hunting her were all dead.  

She lives in Brooklyn with a husband, two children, a cat, a part-time dog, three fish and five coffee trees she insists will start producing beans any day.  



Week One:
8/24/2015- Adventures of a Book JunkieInterview
8/25/2015-Book BriefsReview
8/26/2015-FiktshunGuest Post
8/27/2015- Addicted ReadersReview
8/28/2015-Me, My Shelf and IInterview

Week Two:
8/31/2015- Bumbles and Fairy-TalesReview
9/1/2015- NerdophilesGuest Post
9/2/2015- Pandora's BooksReview
9/3/2015- Novel NoviceInterview

9/4/2015- A Backwards StoryReview

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #143: The Wanderers, Black Widow and Eternal Sacrifice!!! (YA)

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This is where we get to 'spotlight' books that we are anxiously waiting to be released!!! The ones that we are dying to get our hands on and read into the wee hours of the night!!!
And, quite possibly, to make our shelves look pretty too :) 

What I'm currently waiting for... 

*Note: These have all been mentioned before many months ago, and now that their release dates are approaching, I need to exclaim again as to why I need these in my life as soon as possible!!!

by Kate Ormand

Expected release date: September 1st, 2015
(Published by Sky Pony Press)

BECAUSE... a circus full of SHAPESHIFTERS!!!

_ _ _ 

by Margaret Stohl 

Expected release date: October 13th, 2015
(Published by Marvel Press)

A more indepth look into Black Widow, her past and present and what she's all about!!!

_ _ _ 

by Stacey O'Neale

Expected release date: October 2015 
(Published by Phoenix Reign Publishing)

And, it's one of the best fae series I've ever read!!!

SO, what are you all waiting for this week?!?!?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


The wonderful ladies, Andi (Andi's ABCs) and Brittany (The Book Addict's Guide) have come up with a brilliant way to share and help our book obsessions and collections!!! 
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS is a new feature for those of us searching hard-to-find editions of books, primarily older copies of ARCs, early or foreign editions, etc...

Hosts: Andi (Andi's ABCs) and Brittany (The Book Addict's Guide)
*Updated 8/19/2015*

A huge THANK YOU to Brittany and Andi for not only putting this together but continuing it to allow us to easily find what we desperately are looking for :)

And a big thanks to all the wonderful booknerds who have fed my geeky heart! My collections have grown so quick, I am in book heaven :)

You can see my original posts here and see how much my shelves have grown :)

And now, there are a few more that I am still hoping to find...

* * * * *

I am a HUGE Stiefvater fan!!! HUGE!!!

I just can't explain just how much I love her writing, her art, and everything about her - she is so unique, inspiring and real. 

Here is what I am looking for
- LAMENT, ARC and Hardcover
- BALLAD, ARC and Hardcover 

I'm also looking for:
- International copies of THE SCORPIO RACES!!!
So far, I have the UK paperback :)

International copies of SHIVER!!!
So far, I have the Italian paperback :)

* * * * *

I love Lauren Oliver's writing!

She is one of the first authors I was introduced to when I first started book blogging.
I have so many fond personal memories that are connected to when I read her books.
I've been considering creating a post about this... maybe one day.

I am still looking for an ARC of DELIRIUM!!! 

- Any international copies of Delirium

* * * * *

Other books I would love to have in my collection... 

One of my favorite contemporary authors!!!
All I need to complete this Jennifer E. Smith collection is: 


* * * * *

Another favorite contemporary!

I'm looking for...

* * * * *

And last, but certainly not least!
I'm looking for Jess Rothenberg's... 

This was the book that not only kicked off my book blogging, but it was the very first book signing I had ever gone too! Lots of good memories here :)  
* * * * *

If you have any of these and you are willing to let it go, please contact me...
I'll be more than happy to work something out with you!!!

Thank you to Andi and Brittany for putting this together!!!
And thank you to all of you who take the time to peek at my list and help me find my long lost loves!!!

Waiting On Wednesday #142: THE TROUBLE WITH DESTINY by Lauren Morrill (YA)

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This is where we get to 'spotlight' books that we are anxiously waiting to be released!!! The ones that we are dying to get our hands on and read into the wee hours of the night!!!
And, quite possibly, to make our shelves look pretty too :) 

What I'm currently waiting for... 

by Lauren Morrill
Expected release date: December 8th, 2015
Published by Delacorte (RandomHouse)
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary


It's not about the destination, it's about the journey...

With her trusty baton and six insanely organized clipboards, drum major Liza Sanders is about to take Destiny by storm - the boat, that is. When Liza discovered that her beloved band was losing funding, she found Destiny, a luxury cruise ship complete with pools, midnight chocolate buffets, and a $25,000 spring break talent show prize. 

Liza can't imagine senior year without the band, and nothing will distract her from achieving victory. She's therefore not interested when her old camp crush, Lenny, shows up on board, looking shockingly hipster-hot. And she's especially not interested in Russ, the probably-as-dumb-as-he-is-cute prankster jock whose ex, Demi, happens to be Liza's ex-best friend and leader of the Athenas, a show choir that's the band's greatest competition. 

But it's not going to be smooth sailing. After the Destiny breaks down, all of Liza's best-laid plans start to go awry. Liza likes to think of herself as an expert at almost everything, but when it comes to love, she's about to find herself lost at sea. 

Why I'm waiting for THE TROUBLE WITH DESTINY...

First... it's another book from Lauren Morrill! 
I quite enjoy her books :) 

Second... let the battle of the bands begin!!!

Lastly... romance!!!
Possibly a love-triangle???

SO, what are you dying to get your hands on this week?!?!?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Waiting On Wednesday #141: THE SHADOW QUEEN by C.J. Redwine (YA)

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This is where we get to 'spotlight' books that we are anxiously waiting to be released!!! The ones that we are dying to get our hands on and read into the wee hours of the night!!!
And, quite possibly, to make our shelves look pretty too :) 

What I'm currently waiting for... 

by C.J. Redwine
Expected release date: February 23rd, 2016
Published by Balzer + Bray (HarperCollins)
Genre: Young Adult Fairy Tale Retelling


Lorelai Diederich, crown princess and fugitive at large, has one mission: kill the wicked queen who took both the Ravenspire throne and the life of her father. 
To do that, Lorelai needs to use the one weapon she and Queen Irina have in common - magic. She'll have to be stronger, faster, and more powerful than Irina, the most dangerous sorceress Ravenspire has ever seen. 

In the neighboring kingdom of Eldr, when Prince Kol's father and older brother are killed by an invading army of magic-wielding ogres, the second-born prince is suddenly given the responsibility of saving his kingdom. To do that, Kol needs magic - and the only way to get it is to make a deal with the queen of Ravenspire, promise to become her personal huntsman... and bring her Lorelai's heart. 

But Lorelai is nothing like Kol expected - beautiful, fierce, and unstoppable - and despite dark magic, Lorelai is drawn in by the passionate and troubled king. Fighting to stay one step ahead of the dragon huntsman - who she likes far more than she should - Lorelai does everything in her power to ruin the wicked queen. But Irina isn't going down without a fight, and her final move may cost the princess the one thing she still has left to lost. 

Why I'm waiting on THE SHADOW QUEEN... 

First... don't you know me at all?!?!? 
It is a retelling of SNOW WHITE!!!
A darker retelling - with dark magic, ogres and dragons?!

Secondly... that bookcover is to die for!!!
Seriously! Everyone always uses a red apple, and I am loving the black dark vibe this has!

Lastly... it's a fairytale retelling!!! 
Don't you know me at all?!?!? lol

WHAT are you waiting for this week?!?!?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Waiting On Wednesday #140: A STEP TOWARD FALLING by Cammie McGovern (YA)

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This is where we get to 'spotlight' books that we are anxiously waiting to be released!!! The ones that we are dying to get our hands on and read into the wee hours of the night!!!
And, quite possibly, to make our shelves look pretty too :) 

What I'm currently waiting for... 

by Cammie McGovern
Expected release date: October 6th, 2015
Published by Harper Teen
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary


Emily has always been the kind of girl who tries to do the right thing - until one night when she does the worst thing possible. She sees Belinda, a classmate with developmental disabilities, being attacked. Inexplicably, she does nothing at all. 

Belinda, however, manages to save herself. When their high school finds out what happened, Emily and Lucas, a football player who was also there that night, are required to perform community service at a center for disabled people. Soon, Lucas and Emily begin to feel like maybe they're starting to make a real difference. Like they would be able to do the right thing if they could do that night all over again. 
But can they do anything that will actually help the one person they hurt the most? 

Why I'm waiting for A STEP TOWARD FALLING... 

First... I have not read Cammie McGovern's debut, Say What You Will - but, I have heard nothing but high praises... and her writing is, again, being compared to Jennifer Nevin, Jandy Nelson and Robyn Schneider - all amazing contemporary writers. 

Second... the summary alone got me all teary eyed. 
It's so hard being a teen. I'd like to think that people would reach out and help others that are being attacked, mistreated, bullied... but, it's a scary world; and it's so hard to stick up for yourself, and sometimes even harder to help others. I'm really intrigued to see how these characters find themselves and help others that truly need it. 

Lastly... this cover is amazing! 

SO, what are you waiting for?!?!?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Book Haul #99: Books and Planners!

Hello, bookworms!!!

These summer days are going by way too fast! 

How are we suppose to do all the things we normally do plus all the things we always think we can accomplish during our summer months, lol??? 

I must admit, although I have been short on time to do all the blogging and reading I wish I was doing, I have also been distracted with reorganizing my house and redoing my craft room and desks in order to better accommodate my new obsession with my planners! 

If you know me, you know that I like to get creative whenever I can and have shared a few of my projects here and there. A new thing that I have been passionate about for a while now is planning, and all the super creative ways to use a planner. And starting this week, I will be featuring my planner things here on the blog. This will be an addition to what I have been doing with my blog already. No worries! I will still be doing my book thing too!... you have to admit, planners are a type of book too, right??? Just think of it as a bonus feature ;)

SO, what have you all been up to???

*What I received for review...
- NOT AFTER EVERYTHING by Michelle Levy (ARC) from Penguin
- NEVER ALWAYS SOMETIMES by Adi Alsaid (HB) from HarlequinTeen 

*From friends... 

THE SHRUNKEN HEAD (The Curiosity House #1) by Lauren Oliver (ARC) from Xander at Forever Bookish

*What I purchased...
- kikki.K Peach Perforated Personal Large (A5) Planner 

* * * 

A few pics from the last two weeks... 

My July wrap-up!
My August TBR!!!
My planners!!!
White: Webster's Pages Color Crush - Personal (Medium)
Peach: kikki.K Perforated Personal Large (A5)
A peek inside my planner!
Kiddos and I took a ride to our B&N...
they got books, and I didn't! lol

* * * 

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Please leave a comment with your link so I can visit your hauls too!!!
Imagination Designs
Images by LabyrinthofDreams